Struct RectGrid

A grid of rectangular tiles. Wraps a 2D array to provide grid-based access to tiles.


Name Description
this Construct a grid from a 2D tile array. See rectGrid for a constructor with type inference.


Name Description
adjacentTiles Return all tiles adjacent to the tile at the given coord (not including the tile itself).
allCoords Get a range that iterates through every coordinate in the grid.
allTiles Get a range that iterates through every tile in the grid.
contains True if the grid coordinate is within the grid bounds.
numCols Number of columns along a grid's x axis.
numRows Number of rows along a grid's y axis.
numTiles The total number of tiles in a grid.
opApply Foreach over every tile in the grid. Supports ref.
opApply Foreach over every (coord,tile) pair in the grid. Supports ref.
tileAt Get the tile at a given position in the grid. The coord must be in bounds.


Name Description
TileType The type used to represent a tile in this grid


Name Description
maskCoords Same as maskTiles, but return coords instead of tiles.
maskCoordsAround Same as maskCoords, but centered.
maskTiles Select specific tiles from this slice based on a mask.
maskTilesAround Same as maskTiles, but centered.
tilesAt Access tiles via a range of coords. Tiles are returned by ref.




Copyright © 2015, Ryan Roden-Corrent
